What Causes Dryness in Eyes?

Your eyes, those remarkable windows to the world, require a delicate balance of moisture to function optimally. When this equilibrium is disrupted, you may experience the uncomfortable and often irritating symptoms of dryness. This condition, known as dry eye syndrome, can significantly impact your daily life, causing discomfort, visual disturbances, and even potential long-term complications if left untreated.


Understanding the Causes of Dryness in Eyes

Dryness in your eyes can stem from a variety of factors, both internal and external. To effectively manage and alleviate this condition, it's crucial to understand the underlying causes.

One of the primary contributors to dry eyes is a condition called meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). These tiny glands, located in your eyelids, produce an oily substance called meibum, which plays a vital role in maintaining the stability of your tear film. When these glands become clogged or dysfunctional, the quality and quantity of meibum diminish, leading to rapid evaporation of your tears and subsequent dryness.


Risk Factors Associated with Dry Eyes

While meibomian gland dysfunction is a significant contributor to dry eyes, several other risk factors can increase your susceptibility to this condition.

  • Age: As you age, your tear production naturally decreases, making you more prone to dryness.
  • Gender: Women are more likely to experience dry eyes, especially during hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, menopause, or the use of certain medications.
  • Medical conditions: Certain autoimmune diseases, such as Sjögren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus, can affect tear production and lead to chronic dry eyes.
  • Environmental factors: Exposure to dry air, wind, smoke, or prolonged screen time can exacerbate dryness by increasing tear evaporation.
  • Medications: Certain prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including antihistamines, decongestants, and antidepressants, can reduce tear production or increase tear evaporation.


Lifestyle and Environmental Triggers

While some risk factors are beyond your control, certain lifestyle choices and environmental exposures can contribute to or exacerbate dry eyes. By identifying and addressing these triggers, you can take proactive steps to alleviate discomfort and protect your eye health.

  • Prolonged screen time: Staring at digital screens for extended periods can lead to decreased blink rate, which reduces tear distribution and increases evaporation.
  • Smoking: The chemicals in cigarette smoke can irritate your eyes and disrupt tear production, leading to dryness.
  • Air conditioning and heating systems: Dry indoor air can accelerate tear evaporation, exacerbating dry eye symptoms.
  • Contact lens wear: Improper lens care or extended wear can disrupt the tear film and cause dryness.
  • Certain occupations: Jobs that involve prolonged exposure to dry environments, such as air travel, construction work, or office settings with poor air quality, can increase the risk of dry eyes.


Common Symptoms of Eye Dryness

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of dry eyes is crucial for seeking timely treatment and preventing potential complications. While the severity of symptoms may vary, some common indicators include:

  • Eye discomfort: You may experience a scratchy, gritty, or burning sensation in your eyes, making it difficult to perform daily tasks.
  • Blurred vision: Dry eyes can cause fluctuations in your vision, making it challenging to focus on tasks that require clear sight.
  • Eye redness: Chronic dryness can lead to inflammation and redness in your eyes, giving them an irritated appearance.
  • Sensitivity to light: You may experience increased sensitivity to bright lights or glare, making it uncomfortable to spend time outdoors or in well-lit environments.
  • Excessive tearing: In an attempt to compensate for dryness, your eyes may produce excessive tears, leading to watery eyes and blurred vision.
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses: Dry eyes can make it challenging to wear contact lenses comfortably, as the lenses can further disrupt the tear film.


Schedule Your Dry Eye Evaluation with 20/20 Optometric of Fresno Today

Dryness in your eyes can be a frustrating and potentially debilitating condition, but understanding the underlying causes is the first step towards effective management and relief. By identifying risk factors, lifestyle triggers, and seeking professional care when necessary, you can take proactive steps to protect your eye health and maintain optimal vision.

If you're experiencing persistent dryness, discomfort, or vision changes, schedule an appointment with our experienced optometrists at 20/20 Optometric of Fresno. Our team of experts will conduct a comprehensive eye examination, identify the underlying causes of your dry eye symptoms, and provide personalized treatment options to help you find lasting relief. Visit our office in Fresno, California, or call (559) 221-8900 to book an appointment today.